Bump test of gas detectors is a test of the visual alarm/audio alarm and the sensors in a gas detector. In other words, a way to quickly see that the gas detector is working before you go into the facility. The rest of Europe is at the forefront when it comes to safety and there are requirements that the safety equipment (gas detector) must be functionally tested before each day’s use

Bump test, daily or weekly gives a more current status that the gas detector is working as intended than calibration every 6 months. Our IntelliDoX makes the job easy, put the gas detector in the Intellidox and close the door and the bump test starts automatically. All critical functions are tested and after approx. 15 seconds, the test is complete and the gas detector is safe to use. Data from the tests are stored in IntelliDoX, and you can also connect IntelliDoX to the local network to get a clear overview of all gas detectors in the facility via the computer.

See the video on how quickly and easily Bumptest is performed here: http://www.palmstiernas.se/instruktionsvideo/

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